The Bright Blue Skies Bouquet

1 Reviews (1 customer review)


A best selling bouquet for good reason! In an attempt to get you the freshest bouquet possible, The Bright Blue Skies Bouquet is arranged by a local florist close to the recipient’s home. This arrangement includes

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A best selling bouquet for good reason! In an attempt to get you the freshest bouquet possible, The Bright Blue Skies Bouquet is arranged by a local florist close to the recipient’s home. This arrangement includes a variety of flowers and colors – yellow roses, white lilies, blue delphinium and purple monte casinos, all in a clear vase guaranteed to stand out. Blue bouquets have become universal in their message, whether it be for a birthday or for a get well, they are a perfect gift for any occasion. The Bright Blue Skies bouquet includes a card message, to write a personal note to the recipient. Measures 13″H and 10″L

• White Asiatic Lilies
• Yellow Roses
• Blue Delphinium
• Purple Monte Casino
• Keepsake Glass Vase


Alizarin, Belize Hole, Carrot, Emerald, Sun Flower, Turquoise


L, M, S, XL, XXL

1 review for The Bright Blue Skies Bouquet

  1. 1 Reviews


    Simple, practical, timeless design made case suitable for digital cameras with removable lenses up to 30mm and accessories. The top shell of the case is made of high quality denim with a waterproof and dust-repellent finish, which is lined from the inside with a waterproof Ripstop lining. Between the upper casing and the inner lining is foam cushioning, the interior is laid out with a fine Nylex material. The large top opening with zipper allows quick access to stored technology. Convenient wearing and handling will ensure an easy-to-adjust strap with snap hooks and a snap on the rear to allow the belt to be worn or to fit the case on the backpack.

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The Bright Blue Skies Bouquet
